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Carmen Harris - Pharaoh Queen

Hailed by Opera Canada as a singer who is ‘unafraid to go for the emotional jugular’, Carmen Harris completed her Master of Music from the University of Ottawa and her Bachelor of Vocal Performance at the University of Manitoba and has gratefully sung opera, oratorio and musical theatre across Canada.


Past performances include Musetta in La bohème and Susanna in Le nozze di Figaro with Opera Kelowna, Agatha in Frankenstein with New Opera Lyra, Vénus in Orphée aux Enfers and Pleasure in Il Trionfo del Tempo with Manitoba Underground Opera and Guenevere in Camelot and Belle in Beauty and the Beast with the Kelowna Actors Studio.


Besides opera, Carmen has been honoured to appear as a soloist with the National Arts Centre Orchestra in Ontario, the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra in Manitoba, the Okanagan Symphony Orchestra and the Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra in British Columbia.

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